Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Venturing Into The Land of Multiple Caregivers

I know, I's been a bit since my last post, I'm a lousy blogger blah, blah, blah, but I have a very good excuse.

Recently I've met someones...that "s" is not there by accident, I've acquired a boyfriend and girlfriend! They are a Poly couple that Daddy and I met on Fetlife and I am over the moon in love with both of them, and they love me equally. The Universe definitely wants us to be together.

So, because of this new adventure we have started, I have wandered into new CGL territory that I had never considered before J and N (thats what I will call them for anonymity's sake, J is my boyfriend and N is my girlfriend)...Would it be possible to have two Daddies?

I researched and discovered that it is uncommon but not unheard of. Usually, when a Little has a Daddy, the Daddy expects (and sometimes demands) he be the only caregiver in the dynamic. Chappy is not this way at all, in fact he jokes frequently that he is an absentee Daddy at best because of his work demands. So, when I asked him about J becoming a second Caregiver (because J loves the thought of doting on Little me) he loved the idea! So as of last night I now have two Daddies and by extention a Sister in N and I couldn't be happier!

What are your thoughts on having multiple caregivers? Do you have two daddies? If so, what is your relationship with them like? I would love to know your thoughts so please comment below!