Policies & Legal Stuff

Note to our Readers
As stated on our "About" page, Pacis and Paddles is a personal blog by a couple (Chappy and I) for DD/lg Littles and their caregivers. It includes reviews of DD/lg and ABDL related products as well as articles about DD/lg, Little space, Caregivers, and all that comes with this lifestyle. All of our content is honest and unbiased.

If and when we acquire affiliates, we will receive a small commission for any purchases made through those affiliates links that you click on during your visit to our site. These affiliates will NEVER our opinions about products we review.

Affiliates that are allowed to advertise on my blog are sites that I completely trust to be safe and have had positive interactions with. I have the right to decline affiliation with any company I do not feel comfortable endorsing. The guidelines I follow when picking affiliates are as follows:
  • A large selection of DD/lg products that are safe and non toxic.
  • That you are DD/lg and ABDL friendly in your appearance and marketing.
  • At least 10% commission with a realistic payout of no less than $10.
  • Adherence to our inclusivity clause.

Content Usage
Chappy and I work very hard to bring our readers original, fun, and interesting content. If you would like to quote any of our writing, you must credit us by using our names and our URL. You may not use more than three sentences of our content, if you do we will find out and action will be taken to have it removed from your site. This also applies to all graphics, videos, and photographs that have been created by us and displayed on this blog.

This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies.

You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.

We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on February 15, 2017. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly here: pacisandpaddles(at)gmail.com.

Inclusivity Clause
Here at Bedroomial our blog is our brand and we reserve the right to not associate and/or do business with any company that promotes any of the following:
  • sexism
  • racism
  • homophobia
  • biphobia
  • transphobia
  • fat-shaming
  • ableism
  • non-consent
If we find out later that we have indeed been doing business with a company that supports any of the above, their affiliate link(s) will be removed immediately from the site and an apology will be issued to our readers.

Product Reviews
Chappy and I are always looking for DD/lg products to review. I love trying out new toys and products that make my life as a Little more fun! We have strict policies for our product reviews, so please be sure to read them throughly before contacting us. If we receive a review offer, we will assume that you have read the policies thoroughly.

Our policies for product reviews are as follows:
  • We will not pay any costs related to the product you are offering up for review including shipping costs.
  • If the product does not show up to our address in a timely manner, we are not responsible for any costs nor will we provide a review for the product.
  • All products must arrive in their original packaging still sealed for our safety. Any products that show up unsealed will not be reviewed.
  • All products must be approved and stipulations outlined in advance by email before we will consent to a review. Anyone that ships us a product without our approval will not get a review, and we will not return the product.
  • The DD/lg or ABDL products we are willing to review are as follows: Clothing (onsies, pyjamas, panties, etc.), toys, stuffies, pacifiers, sippy cups, and paddles and other products used for the discipline of littles,
When a free product is sent to us, you will receive in exchange an honest review. If we don't like the product you send us, we reserve the right to write an honest review albeit a negative one. We will not remove or change a review if you request those things. Our writing is our own, honesty is important to us, and you cannot attempt to change a review to your liking.