Tuesday, March 14, 2017

My Little Rules, Rewards, and Punishments

One of the key components to a successful CG/l relationship is to have a list of rules for your Little to follow. When I first started becoming a Little and I didn't have a Daddy, I still felt very out of sorts when I would be in Little space. I believe that was because I didn't have anyone to enforce proper behavior when I was in Little space.

Now am I saying that every Little must have a Caregiver with rules they have to obey in order to be fulfilled in the Little lifestyle? Absolutely not, this is just what I was missing. Once Daddy and I sat down and wrote down my rules, as well as the rewards for obeying them and punishments for breaking them, I suddenly felt more safe and secure in Little space. The first time he punished me for breaking a rule, I was so relaxed and content afterward I fell asleep.

So here for your perusal is my lists of rules, rewards, and punishments. I hope that if you are new to this lifestyle, these might give you ideas for your own sets of rules.

My Rules

  • No yelling at Daddy.
  • No backtalking.
  • No hitting Daddy.
  • No lying to Daddy.
  • No self harm.
  • No telling Daddy no.
  • When good, expect rewards.
  • When bad, expect punishment.
  • No sneaking around.
  • No ignoring Daddy.
  • Always say "yes sir" or "no sir" to Daddy.
  • Chores must be done before you can have playtime.
  • Bedtime is at 10PM, unless Daddy says otherwise.
  • Remember Daddy loves you and wants only what is best for you!

My Rewards For Following Rules

  • New stuffies
  • Playtime
  • Special treats
  • Staying up late
  • Movie/cartoon night
  • Go to the park
  • New outfits
  • Extra cuddles
  • Picnics
  • Build-a-Bear Date
  • Bathtime with toys and bubbles
  • Tea party with stuffies and Daddy

My Punishments For Breaking Rules

  • Paddling
  • Early bedtime
  • Extra chores
  • No TV
  • Take away paci
  • No desserts, sweets, or soda
  • Time out
  • Writing lines